All-Tech Raceway Tire Rule

As of August 8 2020 (08/01/2020) will now implement a tire rule here at All-Tech Raceway. Any car or team that is caught with any tire prep whatsoever, whether it is on a tire or in your trailer or in your possession on All-Tech property the following sanctions will be enforced. This will be car and driver, even if the driver does not own the car. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

Offender must pay $2000 fine and mandatory tire test (at the driver’s/owner’s expense) for their next five races in which he/she finishes in the top three positions.

Offender must pay $4000 fine and mandatory tire test (at the drivers/owners expense) for their next five races in which he/she finishes in the top three positions.

Offender must pay $4000 fine and serve a 1 year (365 days) suspension from any competition at All-Tech Raceway effective from the date of the offense.

These offenses are not per year nor per season, they are for the duration of the existence of All-Tech Raceway.

Tire Protest
If you finish in the top 5 and wish to protest, you may protest the tire or tires of the car or cars finishing ahead of you. The cost will be $150 per tire.  The protest must be done in writing and paid for within 10 minutes after completion of the race.


All tire results will be posted on our website, at not on social media i.e. Facebook!  We will have a portal on our home page that you can register into with your personal password to see results. This portal will be THE TECH SHED. We are aware that some people don’t think that we are sending in tire samples because we don’t post them on Facebook. Be aware we do.  These samples are for the race track. However any team can protest any tires at anytime. Just like any other protest you must pay at time of protest. Just as we have stated in the past all results will be available at our drivers meetings. If we haven’t gotten them back from the lab before the drivers meeting, they will be posted on our website at the THE TECH SHED as soon as we receive them.

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We at All-tech raceway will be purchasing a cam doctor for more in-depth tech of the crate engines. If anyone is caught with a crate engine that has been tampered with and deemed illegal they will also face a 1 year ban.


  • No light sticks, no painted sticks or no other communication between crew member and driver allowed.
  • No crew members allowed on the track at any time. If any crew member comes on track that car will be Disqualified for that event
  • Drivers must stay in their cars at all times unless on fire, upside down or if instructed to exit car by track official. If you get out of your car you will be Disqualified for that event.
  • Drivers meeting mandatory! – Drivers must attend no representatives!
  • We will be doing random role calls. If drivers are not present at the drivers meeting they will start on the rear of their heat race. Or if qualifying you will only get one lap.

Updated: 02/25/2021